Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Place to Bury Strangers Interview

Here is a brief interview that I conducted with A Place To Bury Strangers' singer Oliver Ackermann, bassist Jono MOFO and drummer Jay Space.

B-Ex: There's been lots of shoegaze bands out there in the past 20 years…what makes you guys so special?

We are not so special as far as I can tell, we are just doing what we do. I was not anybody else in any of those bands so I couldn't tell you how their experience was different.

Jono: We're not a shoegaze band. That's what makes us special.

if you listen to those older bands and then listen to us you can see we're louder and more ferocious!

B-Ex: " A Place To Bury Strangers". What an amazing name. Where do you think the best place would be to bury a stranger?

Oliver: Thanks, it all depends on your thrill, maybe in their own backyard.

B-Ex: The album has a real timeless sound. How long did it take to record, and did you guys use any impractical recording techniques?

Jono: You'd have to ask Oliver.

again that's a question for oliver.

Oliver: It was recorded over the past few years and is just a collection of songs, it was not intended to be released as a record. To others there would seem to be lots of impractical recording techniques but we are just trying to get the best sounds. Amps were put in the oven, down the hall, 2 faced together, ran through bad speakers etc. Microphones were sometimes crappy, had spoons taped on them, caught sounds reflected off of cymbals, stuck on speaker magnets, headphones as mics and just about anything else that seemed like it got a good sound. It is just a lot of experimentation and then decisions based upon how well different ideas worked.

B-Ex: Nice! I like the idea of using headphones as microphones. I once placed some cheap earphones into a piano at my church when I was growing up. The results were haunting. Sounds like music from a machine that is picking up interference from ghosts...

Oliver: I know what you mean about getting some creepy sounds in church, there is something even about the atmosphere, maybe ghosts?

B-Ex: Who would you cite as your most unlikely influence? To clarify, who has been a big influence in your music that wouldn't be obvious to listeners?

Six Finger Satellite?

Jono: Adam Clayton. Linear basslines.

dead ho... you'll see...

B-Ex: What has been your favorite city touring in, and why?

I like the Midwest and small towns but it is hard to say, I just like to travel around and see lots of different places.

Jono: Chicago is nice. It's kind of in the middle of nowhere. It's big, beautiful and lots of fun. And of course there's LA. I find it very exotic. Sun, mountains, palm trees. And a lot of good friends.

L.A. has always been a place i love to go to because we have so many friends there... also Philadelphia cause that's where i'm from.

B-Ex: Tell me, what newer band should I be listening to right now? Something that rocks as much as you guys do.

Oliver: The Vandelles, Ceremony, Ringo Deathstarr.

Jono: Holy Fuck.

My best friend, Holy Fuck, and wait for the new Secret Machines' record it's wicked... also Ripcord they are the shit!!!

B-Ex: What is the last great movie you saw?

Oliver: I saw Vertigo last night, very good.

B-Ex: Nice. I recently saw North By Northwest for the first time and it was great. Hitchcock has so many fucking great movies it's hard to keep up. They're all so funny to me because the characters are sometimes so ridiculous and over-the-top...

If any, who was your biggest celebrity crush growing up?

Oliver: Madonna

B-Ex: Are you a fan of horror films?

Oliver: Sure, I like all kinds of movies, if it is good why not watch.

B-Ex: What is your biggest pet peeve about people?

Oliver: When people are stubborn and can't change their mind.

B-Ex: Can you guys PLEASE make a live DVD? The December 3rd Viper Room show was fucking epic! The strobe lights especially almost made me shit my pants.

Jono: We're making a live record. Will that do for now? Maybe we can distribute it with a free strobe light.

We're working on a live beta max first.

B-Ex: Thank you so much for allowing me to take up your time. Is there anything else you'd like to say to our readers? Something inspirational, haha.

Do what you love.

Jono: God is a vengeful fuck. Seek solace elsewhere.

Jay: Jono is dead... seek inspiration elsewhere!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey man, thanx for the interview, i have to mention Oliver meant Ceremony from Virginia as the band you should listen: (shoegaze friends from Virginia), not: (hardcore from north bay)

Anonymous said...

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