Sunday, February 10, 2008

Black Lips @ Glass House 2/9/08

Wow. I don't even know where to start. What a great fucking venue for the Black Lips to play at! The music was loud as hell, they looked like they were having more fun than ever, and the crowd was absolutely out of fucking control. Non-stop pit action. I got hit in the eye with someone's head, and fell on my back at least 3 times. The crowd at a Black Lips show is usually more wild than any show I've ever been to.

When they were setting up stage, a young Mexican girl in front of me screamed out and asked singer/guitarist Cole Alexander if she could have some of his beer. He shrugged and gave her his Tecate and kept on walking. She didn't look a day over 18. Ahahahaha. She later ended up being the first person to jump on stage, and rocked out with the band for a couple songs.

This started a trend of people constantly going on stage, and Black Lips were super cool about it because they don't get mad and they seem to really like the chaos of it all. One short bald guy jumped on stage, screamed, ripped his t-shirt off right down the middle, and then did a front flip into the crowd. All that happened in less than 4 seconds. And after the band was done with the show, grillz guitarist Ian Saint Pé asked the crowd "Who's not old enough to drink?" and everyone yelled and he gave his drink to a young girl up front. Classic.

And that is what a Black Lips show is like.

Songs played throughout the night (not in this order):

Hippie, Hippie, Hoorah
Buried Alive
Dirty Hands
Cold Hands
O Katrina
Veni Vidi Vici
Bad Kids
Sea of Blasphemy
Not a Problem

The Black Lips are the most fun live band I've ever seen, and the Glass House is a blast in itself (even if I have to drive 45 miles to get there). If you haven't seen them yet, you're missing out! I already bought tickets to see them again at Detroit Bar in Costa Mesa tonight. I've never seen a band two nights in a row until now, so stay tuned for yet another Black Lips review!

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